Julian Meeting. 15th May 2024

Psalm 36 redux

The solipsistic self whose heart is turned in on itself,

whose eyes are greedy,

whose hands grasp for gain:

Evil is born here; wickedness broods.

No thought for another; no knowledge of its own best.

Blinded by envy, eviscerated by hunger, bound and boxed, the will has lost its Way.

Wisdom dissipates in the face of delusion; holiness is hidden.

Yet God is.

From dawn through dusk and into the night,

the eternal power we know as love does not fail.

It reveals the poverty of greed and the possibility of life renewed.

Its ceaseless power is like waves on the sea,

its enduring might like the majesty of mountains;

no act of man or woman can defeat it.


The soul aligned with the power of love will be satisfied.

Delight in the Holy will fill her mouth with songs of praise and thanksgiving.

She will build tents to shelter all who seek refuge;

she will set the table for the abundant feast.

All shall drink from the river of life.

O let me dance the dance of life,

let me sing the enduring melody.

Let not wickedness steal my soul.

Let my heart meet evil with wise compassion.

Carla A. Grosch-Miller. Psalms Redux: Poems and prayers.

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