Julian Meeting. 19th June 2024


‘It is I’

Our Protector showed Himself in all His splendour, more so than I had yet seen Him.  From this I learned that our souls will never be at rest until they come to Him in the knowledge that He is the fullness of joy, intimate and welcoming, full of delight and the very essence of life. Our Protector Jesus said over and over, “It is I, I am the One: I am the One who is highest, I am the One you love, I am all that you enjoy, I am what you serve, I am that which you long for most, I am all that you desire, I am who lives in your thoughts, I am everything. It is I the Church teaches to you, and it is I who have shown Myself to you here.” He said this so many times that the words were too many for me to grasp; they were beyond my strength to comprehend.

Sanna, Ellyn. All Shall Be Well: A Modern-Language Version of the Revelation of Julian of Norwich (p. 119).



Christ Lives in our Love for Each Other.

I saw that our Protector takes joy in His servants’ troubles even as He feels both compassion and sorrow. In the lives of all whom He loves, He allows some trouble to enter. These trials are not punishments; in His eyes they have no shame, even though others may regard them with scorn, mockery, and rejection. When we are abused and violated, snatched out of our sense of who we are, we are at the same time rescued from this life’s emptiness, and our path toward Heaven then lies more clearly before us. There we will experience endless delight. For He said to me: “I will smash your empty desires and your unhealthy selfishness—and after that, I will gather you together, completely clean, completely whole, with all your hardness and rigidity melted and softened, made one with Me.”

Sanna, Ellyn. All Shall Be Well. (p. 127).

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