Julian Meeting. 8th May 2024.

We Come As We Are

It is with a sense of enormous relief and reassurance, our Father, that we come into Thy presence with our lives as they are, confident that Thou dost understand us and deal with each of us in accordance with his needs. It is such a relief, our Father, not to be under any necessity to pretend anything to Thee but to be open and free…

We make no demands upon Thy spirit; we ask nothing; we are in Thy presence as we are. O Love of God, love of God, do with us in this waiting moment what Thou wouldst do with us. We trust Thee, our Father, as best we can, and beyond that we yield to Thy grace, O God, our Father.

Let Us Be Transparent

Deliver us from the tempests of our inward churnings. Calm our spirits with Thy great tranquillities, that we may be total instruments in Thy hands, to serve Thy purposes and share in Thy work in the world. Let us be transparent, that Thy Light may not be dimmed in us and through us no darkness may come to those whose trust we have and whose hands are in our hands.  These are the words; behind them are the urgencies of the heart. Let the words and the urgencies be a living sacrament placed upon Thy altar even as did our Master.

Howard Thurman (2007)  The Centering Moment. p 113 – 117.

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